I did my first Terrarium Building Stream on Saturday, March 26th, 2022! You can check out the replay on Twitch! A huge thank you to everyone who came and hung out!
I've spent much of 2020 and 2021 helping cultivate positive, inclusive, non-toxic communities online - and have made some wonderful friends across the world since!
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Terrarium Materials
If anybody would like to follow along, I've got a buy list! The minimum basics are:
- Glass Container
- Gravel/Rocks
- Activated Charcoal
- Sterile Potting Mix
- and of course: Plants!
There's a few other things that are helpful and or nice to have:
- Tools: Wooden dowel/stick and long tweezers, spray bottle
- Different sizes/colors of gravel
- Sand
- "Aeration Medium" (pumice, perlite, leca balls, etc)
- Decorative elements (crystals, figures, etc - non bio-degradable!!)!
Glass Container: Just about anything will work, with or without a lid. I prefer a loose fitting lid. You can use a mason jar too (just poke a hole in the lid). Any clear glass will work, however. Fish bowls, terrarium specific glass, hollow glass lamps, cookie jars, etc. Just make sure it's clear and not tinted! https://www.amazon.com/CYS-EXCEL-Glass-Container/dp/B08H3MY9V4/ https://www.amazon.com/Anchor-Hocking-2-Gallon-Heritage-Hill/dp/B000KKI7GY/
Gravel/Rocks: Having some nice river rocks and aquarium gravel is two-fold. It prevents stagnant stinky water in the base, and gives you some aesthetic elements on the top. No links - just get some rocks/gravel you like!
Activated Charcoal: Useful for drainage, soil aeration, and most importantly - plant health! https://www.amazon.com/TerraGreen-Creations-Horticultural-Activated-Conditioning/dp/B095J8FG4P/
Potting Mix: Some will have activated charcoal and perlite in them, but they're still good to have separately as well. Make sure whatever mix you get does not have fertilizer additives in it. https://www.amazon.com/Terrarium-Soil-Terrariums-Filtering-Charcoal/dp/B091S7SFX9/
PLANTS: Most any ground plants that are not succulents will work great! Thinks like Nerve Plants, Polka Dot Plants, Goldfish Plants, Spidermoss, Creeping Fig, Clubmoss, Ferns, African Mask, etc - all do really well. A local nursery probably has a great selection for cheap (~$2-$5 per plant), but you may be able to get some from "the big box store" garden center too. https://www.amazon.com/Terrarium-Plants-Garden-Assorted-Varieties/dp/B07GBBZN8D/
---- Optional/Helpful Things ----
Tools: Long tweezers are great. A long dowel is great for digging holes. Curved long-handle scissors for trimming is great. There's a million kits out there but something like this is great: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BBFZB4F/ - Also a spray bottle will make watering it much easier
Sand: Basically, even smaller gravel. This is mostly an aesthetic element to help fill in some bare dirt spots on the top, I just like the way it looks!
Aeration Medium: Many soils will have one in them, but having some extra for underneath and or breaking up soil is nice. Either pumice, perlite, or LECA balls work really well.
Decorations!! These are purely aesthetic! Find something you think is cute/cool and stick it in there! Just make sure it's not biodegradable, otherwise it will rot and cause damage. Things like shells, crystals, or figurines are great!
If you want to be super prepared, be sure to boil any solid things you get and plan to put in. (Rocks, gravel, crystals, figures, etc) - Since these are semi-closed and semi-self sustaining, any yuckies you introduce will thrive (mold spores, fungal spores, etc) Side note, you can "get along" with, at a minimum:
- a Mason Jar
- Terrarium Soil
- Plants
- Some rocks from the backyard
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Thanks so much for replying, and quickly too - really wasn’t expecting it to be honest. So yes, I have given the iframe approach a go. The settings I had come up with were a little janky but I implemented yours and they are much better! I’ll keep playing around with a few other solutions, but I just wanted to say thanks again for helping me out with this, and all the best with your future endeavours.
Wow! You're Moving Fast! Very Much Appreciated!
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View All EmotesEver since I've been trying to cultivate a fun, positive, non-toxic atmosphere online (largely around programming and gaming communities) - making emotes for Twitch and Discord has been enormously fun!


Oak & Leather Bound Books
For my Secret Santas this year, I handmade some Oak & Leather bound books, one "Short Stories of Overwatch" and one Fellowship of the Ring.
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WhirLocal is an easy-to-use automated "Neighborhood Marketing Platform" that makes it easy to get more ideal customers.
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Content Mask
A robust WordPress plugin that eliminates the need for complex domain masks and forwarders.
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A silly project that uses PHP and Ajax to generate "Dogecards" on the fly. MySQL Database driven.
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Request a ResourceI've been starting to try and publicize resources when I end up helping someone, whether that's with a walk-through video, or StackOverflow answer.

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Want a Hat?
Lol, we all want a hatUsing Google's Cloud Vision API, Twitter's Profile API, and PHP's ImageMagick Class Library, we can find your face, add a cool hat to your hat-less head, and then automatically upload it back to Twitter!